Friday, August 27, 2010

One week In!

I'm stealing Sara's idea of doing a little reflection after the first week. :) You rock, Sara. So, in "conversion diary" style, here's my 7 quick takes.

1. Kids really DO say the darndest things. (Thanks, Mr. Cosby). This week has been full of ridiculous things that kids say. They just talk and tell you just about anything! Except, of course, when you are trying to get them to tell you something specific...then it's eeriely silent, especially with the Jr. High.

2. I second Sara on this... Lesson Planning! OH MY GOSH. it's all I ever do. This week and next, I am doing about 90% ETM with my classes (with the exception of Jr. High... I'm not really sure WHAT do with them, yet..). I want to give the kids a stable base to build off of.. (and, I don't have the cable to get my projector working yet..) I really really love ETM, but I am looking forward to doing more listening activities and icon charts and stuff like that. It will be a lot easier once the projector is working. However, kids will never retain the symbols if they don't EXPERIENCE it through play first. The hardest part of lesson planning is figuring out how to build the lessons upon each other, how long to spend on a concept, how many activities to plan for one lesson, etc... Okay, so basically, all of it is hard! I have about 22 lesson plans to do for next week, and I really want to get them done this weekend.

3. Retention! One of the Resource teachers at my school has a second grade son. She told me today that he came home from school and was singing and dancing all over the place at home! He was so excited about ETM, he taught his parents the Penny Game AND Oats Peas Beans. His mom was really proud of him for remember the songs after just two classes, and I love that he was coming home and playing with his parents. His mom was just so happy! It was so good to hear from a happy parent. :)

4. 5th grade. Today was better with 5th grade. It still wasn't what it should be, but it's better. I have a really hard time with 5th grade. They are in between being an elementary student and a middle school kid... and there really is a HUGE difference. I think part of my problem with classroom management with them, is just that I don't really fit as well with their age level... It's hard for me to figure out how best to teach them.

5. "Me Time" Oh Man.... I've got to be honest... the "real world" sucks a little bit. I get to school around usually there until 5 or 6, get home and eat, and by the time I've done that, I'm so tired that all I want to do is turn my brain off and watch TV. THose of you that know me well know that I really dislike TV. I like some shows, but overall, I would prefer to do something else... I'm just so dang tired when I get home though! But like Sara said... you have got to take time for yourself.... and that's okay. If all my tired body is capable of is lying on the couch, than I need to take the time to do it (but just not in excess)

6. Every kid has a story. As I get to know my new students more and more, I am seeing that every kid has some reason that they need a little extra love! Our poor world is so broken. Currently I am figuring out how best to teach a kindergartener who is hearing impaired. She just got hearing aids for the first time, signs, barely speaks, but is the most focused little girl every. I really want her to be successful. The problem is, no one actually knows just how hearing impaired she is or what she knows. She is just a beautiful little girl. I'm sure that learning to teach her is going to cause me to grow quite a bit in my teaching and I'm excited to learn.

7. It's official! I got a name plate with my name on it on my door! It was an AMAZING feeling this morning to walk up to my classroom this morning and see it there. Our Maintenance staff put them up early this morning. I almost took a fact, I probably will on monday.

Well, those are some of my many thoughts after a very long first week... and we had early outs every day!!! Can't wait to see what next week brings.

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