Monday, February 7, 2011

The Curse of the First Year Teacher

If there was one piece of advice about teaching that I shouldn't have ignored but did, it would sound something like this... (not that it would have helped...except for mentally)

"You're a first year teacher? Get ready to be sick. ALL THE TIME."

I am seemingly ALWAYS SICK. In theory, this is not that big of a problem. That's why teachers have sick days, right? WRONG. You see, I am stubborn. There are only two ways that I would consider myself too sick to go to school, and well, lets not get into those. The problem with this is that I can still feel terrible, but am just too stubborn to call in. It's too much work! Gotta make sure the sub plans are ready. Where's the class lists? Does the sub know where everything is? What about everything ELSE I have to do?

If you will notice the time stamp at the bottom of this post, it will read 10:45 PM or so. Exactly 45 minutes past when I am always asleep. Probably more like a hour and a half past when I am usually asleep. You see, after getting over the worst cold/form of the flu/mystery illness I have had in years, I am sick again. and I can't sleep. So between sips of 7up, I am writing to you all, hoping that my stomach settles enough that i can sleep. Not likely anytime soon.

What is the moral of this story, you ask? Good question. I am tired, I am cranky, and I want to get well. I guess you could say the moral is "Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize! However, I must say, I do a pretty good job of that and I'm still sick.

Okay, that's about all i've got. I hope you all are sleeping well!

1 comment:

  1. oh man, mary, i feel ya! a week or so ago (at IMEA) i was just getting over a bad sinus infection that i had for 2 weeks. then yesterday, lo and behold, the symptoms are back! and now i know i've got something congestive-like stirring up in my head.

    i hope you feel better very soon!!
