Story: So, second home football game was coming up: Friday night lights, the usual. The band is a bit behind where we'd like to be with our field show, but we're adding our closer anyway as a park and blow. It was going to be a nail-biter as far as holding together. Well, to top things off, on Wednesday, I start to see rain in the forecast for Friday night. And not just showers, but a full on drenching. With visions of waterlogged saxophones and mildewed band uniforms rolling through my mind, I asked my boosters president offhandedly "So, do we have any raingear in case of a storm?" She laughed, "Of course not. That would be too easy." How silly of me.
It's Thursday. Doom and gloom still predicted for Friday night. Great. One day to come up with enough raingear to outfit my band (like I don't have other things to do). So, I went on the search for cheap plastic ponchos. I called every Dollar General in two counties with the request "Hi, could you please hold all of the clear plastic ponchos you have in stock? Thanks so much, I'll get them tonight!"
I was at school from 7 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Thursday (beginning band recruitment, don'tcha know?). I was exhausted and just about to crack. So, I was just thrilled at the thought of collecting my poncho bounty before I could go home and crawl into bed. Dollar Generals close at 9 p.m. Once I left school, I had just over an hour to get to all four stores within a 40 mile radius. (Am I on a reality show challenge that I don't know about??). I managed to buy forty ponchos. HUZZAH! I AM THE GREATEST BAND DIRECTOR IN THE UNIVERSE!! MY BAND WILL BE DRY. I AM A HERO!! And I am going. to. bed. Amen!
Of course, after all that worrying, it didn't rain. Not one drop. Not that I'm complaining!! But, if I hadn't bought the ponchos, I have a feeling it would have poured. That's just how these things go. So, what's the lesson? Hard to say. I'm just glad that things worked out. I guess I'll always worry, but I'm realizing that most of my worries don't actually come true. I hope that helps me to stress less as I gain experience. Week 3 in the bag. Phew!
Haha, once MENC comes out with MENCTV, we will have our own DIBDA reality show.
ReplyDeleteTo validate your purchase of ponchos, I hope it rains at the next game! )